It's no wonder that most of the commanders in ED have decided to use different HOTAS systems to control their ships.īelow are the binding options for one of the most popular HOTAS control sticks. It shows off the serious complexity of the bindings and gives proper perspective to the subject - piloting your ship is the matter of in-game life or death. To establish which HOTAS is the chosen one by ED Commanders, I went to the source - I asked members of the biggest in-game group of players called the Elite Dangerous Community. Many commanders answered that the Best HOTAS for Elite: Dangerous is Saitek X52 Flight Control System.Īccording to 82 players, the X52 is the only real option for game. It has not only enough buttons to be bound, but it's layout is also exactly of the right design for playing ED in the most optimal way possible.Īccording to and IGN review, the X52 is a good looking and ergonomic HOTAS system, which should be considered by many players as a very good option for flight simulators and space simulators. To be clear, according to Commanders using this system to play Elite: Dangerous on a daily basis, the X52 is far from perfect: It's not sturdy enough and prone to micro switch failures. Regardless, a lot of those asked confirmed that if they were thinking about ergonomics, the X52 leaves all other HOTAS systems in the dust.

So, while the X52 is certainly a legend amongst ED players and their go-to HOTAS system - some of players, like CMDR Elenar, Imperial King, and Leader, of the in-game faction Achenar Immortals, have few doubts about the X52's superiority: It seems that also the system's visual similarity to ED's in-game HOTAS system (the one visible in every ship cockpits) plays a vital role in the X52 being the best option for ED. Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X - This is a very interesting HOTAS system. It's the simplest on the market because it a.) doesn't have many buttons and b.) has fewer switches. This means ED commanders aren't able to bind as many commands to the stick. It's (probably) popular mainly because of the price, which is much lower than the competition. Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS- This HOTAS was designed especially for Elite: Dangerous, although it's not as popular as the X52 because of some design and button placement issues. It is very strange that the Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS Flight Pack was not designed to look like HOTAS in ED ships, especially considering its target market.