No heartbeat at 6 weeks
No heartbeat at 6 weeks

no heartbeat at 6 weeks

I went to my Dr who did some blood tests to see if my hormone levels were rising and then sent me for a scan. I did a pregnancy test 2 weeks ago that said i was pregnant but i have heaps of spotting and hadn't missed a period yet so it was a bit confusing. Thanks so much XX2 for your feedback! These posts are really encouraging and comforting. Love and support goes out to every women in this situation.

no heartbeat at 6 weeks

It was horrible to hear and I was still devasted but I had already begun to say goodbye and make peace with the situation.Īgain it's so hard because your mind, heart and body are all in conflict. When I went for the second scan it was confirmed that there was no growth or heartbeat. My body was telling me that I had miscarried as my pregnancy symptoms were fading. I think that the best piece of advice that I could give would be to listen to your body and decide what it is telling you and stick with it. Its the waiting and not knowing between the two scans which destroys and drains you. It kind of gave me the strength I needed to ignore the pregnancy symptoms because they were giving me false hope. I read lot's of boards saying don't give up, it's still too early and that may be right in some cases, but I found a nursing website that said anything above 4mm with no heartbeat is "ominous" and anything above 5mm is classified as a MMC. I was about 5-6 weeks and my scan measured CRL 5.5mm and there was no heart beat. I don't think that it is the amount of weeks that makes a difference about hearing a heart beat I think it's the CRL size. I read lots of these boards when I went through a very similiar situation and they were really helpful and (slightly addictive) so I thought I would share my experience. Its so tramatic and because it's so early in the pregnancy you may not have told anyone so its also isolating and you get the feeling that nobody understands why you're behaving so irratically. Here is also a link to the site I alluded to showing each week's development of the fetus.First of all my heart and understanding goes out to anyone who is going through this situation.

no heartbeat at 6 weeks

It is a simple, effective and non invasive Energy Medicine technique which can do wonders to bring calm and peace to the whole bodymind! There is a simple technique called CORTICES which you can learn by clicking on my profile name and finding my business page and looking at the tab that says Dr. I would suggest you and your friend do as much as you can to stay "calm" so the uterus is able to receive and maintain this pregnancy. so it seems that indeed, waiting another week, or longer, may be necessary before one makes a final determination. the first two they don't even contribute to the timing of the pregnancy and display developmental ages as "weeks since conception". It is interesting how they break up the weeks. This is a scary time for you and your friend, so do your best to remain calm and hopeful as that is the energy needed to support this pregnancy, if it is to be :-) I am not an OB/GYN nurse, so it has been years since I worked in this area, but on the internet I found a nice site which shows the development of the fetus, week by week. So all this to say, I'm not a doctor but from what my doctor tells me it is not uncommon to not be able to hear the heart beat at that early of the pregnancy. I'm 12 weeks now and the baby is doing great. My doctor did not even try to hear the heart beat (this was at 8 weeks) because she said it's very rare that you can hear it this early on in the pregnancy. Then I had to go back in to the doctor the next week to get a check up and make sure the baby and myself were still doing ok. They did an ultra sound and couldn't hear the heart beat so than they had to to do a vaginal ultra sound and still had some trouble getting it but finally did. Anyway, since I was prego my husband took me into the ER to make sure everything was ok. I'm prego with my second right now (12 weeks along) and long story short I passed out in the bathroom and must have come down on the sink counter and needless to say had a big bloody mess. I don't think it's uncommon for someone not to hear the heart beat at 6 weeks.

No heartbeat at 6 weeks