has announced that it will deploy Linux-based PCs for its custom sales kiosks. This includes applications such as customer relationship management and retail point of sale/purchase. Linux is also increasingly being used for dedicated transactional desktops where data entry or information retrieval is the primary use of the machine. survey of workstation buyers showing Linux will gain 10% in terms of future deployments at the expense of Unix and Windows NT. This is confirmed by a recent Gartner Inc. These Linux PCs and workstations are used to develop, deploy and maintain embedded systems, Web/e-commerce infrastructures and other key applications. The rapidly increasing number of Linux servers being used as Web, database and file servers is naturally driving this. Heavily concentrated in telecommunications, technology, engineering R&D, government and higher education, Linux desktops are being increasingly chosen as the development environment and systems monitoring platform of choice.
To understand where the Linux desktop is going, it's important to first understand the following areas where Linux and open-source software client solutions are now being used:

To move beyond its current 2% market share (according to a figure published by IDC in March), though, the Linux desktop must be easier to use and offer the file compatibility and suite of productivity applications that users need while simplifying the management of constantly enhanced open-source software. The penetration of Linux into corporate desktops has already begun as research and development departments, technology companies, retail powerhouses and even national governments turn to Linux and free software for its superiority as a development environment, its easier customization and its lower cost of ownership relative to Windows-based systems.